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Check! Check! Check! Checkmate! Chess is an important game to me, as it helped me fit in with peers during schooling, and it also proves...

The Second Dose of the Covid Vaccine

The day had finally arrived! It was time for my family to get our second Covid-19 vaccination shots. We received our first dose at the...

Furry Friends

I grew up with cats. As a baby, my first word was “kitty.” My favorite animal has always been cats. When Mom, my brother, Dave, and I...


Cats! They are generally thought of as pets, and as small furry carnivores that get rid of rodents. There’s a lot more to them though....

How Nintendo Has Served Me Well

My family was in Shippensburg, PA visiting an uncle and aunt. They had a small house on Orange St. While we were visiting Matt and...


There are many different types of card games out there. Some typical games that use a standard deck include War, 500 Rummy, and Hearts....

The Wrong Type of College Experience!

What do you think of when you hear the words “the college experience?” For many people who were lucky enough to go, they probably think...

Why I Started to Dislike January

By now, January would have to be the most depressive month of the year. It’s the time of year that stores normally are bare, and...

Christmas, 1991

Here is another little piece about Christmas and also the start of my love of a video game series. Mega Man is a popular video game...

The Year 2020

The year 2020 wasn’t the best year. I think most people can agree. Though it started with flying colors for me with a trip to Walt Disney...


Wow! It is December already, and I have been making blog posts, since the end of August. With that said, it’s time to write about one of...

My First Night at Home Alone

On a Thursday night, I stayed at my home alone overnight, for the first time. For the few people who know, I am not counting the time...

A Neat Calendar Trick!

Ever wonder on what day of the week your parents were born? There is an easy way to figure out what day of the week any date occurred on...


Autism makes people different. They behave differently in social settings, and they can be bothered by various sensory issues like...

Working on Projects with My Dad

In 2020, my dad and I started working together on projects. This may not seem like a big deal, but before this I didn’t know much about...

PA State Route 26: A Place I Like to Go

People like to take trips. For some, it’s in the afternoon during time off, for others, on the weekend. They simply feel like going to...

All original content copyright © 2021 Tom2679, all rights reserved.

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